04 Jun 2012

Cut out the steering column support piece from the original Suzuki and temporarily welded it into place. Also put in a piece of scrap metal to hold it up. The u-joints are at their absolute limit, in order to get the steering wheel several inches lower than it was in the Suzuki. Unsurprisingly this now interferes with the gear lever, which is going to have to be altered (height etc.)

Put a couple of uprights in which will be door pillars (purple). Still haven't decided exactly where to put the windscreen, but it should be clear from this picture (ish) that the windscreen's span is incredibly long. Am reluctant to do octagonal because it's awkward to get it absolutely flat, but there's a horizontal line from the rear door frame top corner that has to be honoured, damnit.

Decided in the end to just go for it, but what did it was simply laying a diagonal across from the roof front point down to the top of the dashboard (seen starting top of picture, downwards at a shallow angle). Also, reluctantly (am running out of electrodes), welding a temporary piece across the doorframe, which gave a line to work with. So, the first piece is in. Marked in green will be the next two pieces: the decision's been made to go with an octagonal windscreen because a hexagonal one looks too much like a coffin! Marked in red is where, retrospectively, that upright should have come to, and it would have met up perfectly as a strong support for the windscreen. Also damnit those uprights really could have done with being the other way round (turned through 90 degrees). Ah well - it's not the end of the world.

Very exciting! Half the windscreen support is in, and it's not botched as badly as initially feared. Sighting down the three long tubes shows that actually it's pretty straight. Luckily what can be done is an "inner" rail added which is actually dead-straight, on which the windscreen can rest. Putting in the other side is however going to be exciting... see next photo.

Ahh frickin' 'ell. Another lovely botch-job. Actually it turns out that the bodging started with the uprights behind the front seats: the left side is about 1cm higher than the other, which explains why it was such a bitch of a job to match up the door frame. This does need to be rectified. I have about 100 electrodes left, and about 5 cutting discs. Hmm...