Whilst photons are obvious (particle-anti-particle annihilation) and gluons appear to have been covered, the Bosons appear to be entirely missing from the expanded Rishon Model. It does not help that gluons and Bosons as such don't actually make any sense, because in the expanded Rishon Model all "decay" patterns are actually just combinations of matched (i.e. energy and charge conserving) pairs of phase transformations.
However: in this, we have the clue. Already it has been tentatively noted that where in the Standard Model gluons occur it seems to be the case that "virtual" pions appear in the phase-equations as both the input and the output particles. Why then should it not be the case that the W, Z and even Higgs Bosons are simply larger variants of other particles (created and immediately destroyed) i.e. they are simply larger virtual particles that are both the input and output of several simultaneous matched phase transforms rather than just two as with the "virtual" pion (aka "gluon")?
Note: looking again at the numbers: taking the cube-root of the W Boson (80.38 GeV) divided by the mass of a pion+ (0.13957 GeV), the figure comes out at 25/3 to within 0.16%. Interestingly the cube root of the W Boson to the bottom quark (lower 4.18 GeV figure) comes out at 8/3 to 3 d.p.
Given the huge energy of the W and Z Bosons, it would not be unreasonable to surmise that, just as the "gluon" is tentatively identified as being the Pions, the virtual particle in play in the case of the W and Z Bosons is the Kaon family. However, the theoretical mass of a gluon being zero, whilst the W and Z Bosons are 80 to 90 GeV still requires some thought.
The gluon - if it is nothing more than a virtual pion - is quite simple in nature. two quarks. only two matched phase transforms. Creation and destruction of those two quarks is either instantaneous, or are merely a mathematical representation of a fundamental reality that permits more comprehensive set of phase shifts than "just" VT0 transform pairs (which happen to be possible to break down into two quarks back-to-back with two phase transforms). In other words, gluons may not actually exist, at all!
W and Z Bosons, on the other hand, comprise multiple such transforms occurring simultaneously. It would not be unreasonable to surmise that the total effort extended by the fabric of the universe to coordinate those simultaneous transforms, given that they would occur in separate locations which would require communication at the speed of light, is exactly 80.385 GeV or 91.118 GeV respectively!
Put in another way - viewed from the perspective of wave propagation and diffraction patterns - if two (or more) particles are out of kilter (unstable) such that the wave fronts going outwards from oscillation of their internal T and V particles causes diffraction patterns at any point surrounding them to exceed 80.385 GeV (or 91.118 GeV) in total, then this energy is sufficient for the fabric of the universe to temporarily create a W (or Z) Boson, such that the various compound particles constituent T and V particles may instantaneously and simultaneously phase-shift to a more suitable arrangement.
Substitute "Kaon" for "Boson" in the above paragraph and it is likely to be more accurate. Why, however, would it take such a vast amount of energy to create a Kaon, when a Kaon's energy is itself so much less? The clue is in the word "create" - even temporarily. Read again the paragraph above: the effort (work done i.e. required energy threshold) in coordinating the simultaneous matched phase shifts required to introduce that Kaon into the fabric of the universe even for one or one half an oscillation of a T or V particle's wave-form is the energy of the required Boson.
So the irony, here, is, that the Bosons - like the gluon - do not actually exist. Or, they do, but only for the brief (half or single) oscillation required for phase-shifts to instantly wipe them out of existence. That would not however make them invalid.
The other possibility to consider is that if the Higgs is a +1 electrically charged virtual particle, it is reasonable to consider that, just as the "gluon" can be a virtual Pion+/- or a Pion-0, and like the W Boson is suspected to be a virtual Kaon+ and the Z Boson a virtual Kaon-0, there should also exist a Higgs-0. Given the extremely small discrepancy between the masses of the W and Z Bosons, if a Higgs-0 existed then a reasonable starting point to look for decays involving it would be somewhere around 1.5 times the energy of the W and Z Bosons: i.e. between 120 GeV and 136.5 GeV. Further study would however be needed (back at the smaller energy levels) to assess which particles would be involved, and what decay patterns to look for. It is yet to even be established the virtual particle that the Higgs-0 would represent.
lkcl 2016-12-29