Here is a cursory summary of the Expanded Rishon Model, covering the
following main points:
- Particles are considered to be massless photons on a circular
phase-locked track, with radius equal to its compton wavelength.
The wavelength of the photon may however be double (or more in the
case of more complex particles?) that of the diameter
- We identify the polarity of the standing-wave harmonics of the
photon with "T" as real, and "V" as imaginary. Three points on
the standing-wave harmonics of a 3,2 toroidal knot give rise to
the four elementary particles (eight including anti-particles).
- The "I-Frame" concept (or possibly the 10,3 toroidal knot) gives
16 possible further patterns that give rise to the neutron, proton,
charm, strange, bottom and one further as-yet unidentified quark.
- An expanded ("ultra") I-Frame concept comprising 15 Rishons per
quark gives rise to the constituent parts of the Tau as well as
those of the W, Z and Higgs Bosons.
- Particle "decay" may be envisaged as the"phase and polarity
conserving exchange of energy between the photons embedded within
their circular phase-locked tracks". Where that is impossible
the sum total remaining energy is simply emitted in a straight
line instead, as... (unsurprisingly) a photon.
- Pairs of charge and polarity-conserving VT0 phase transforms can be
considered as Feynmann Diagrams, resulting in variations that ultimately
at the extreme may be used to create particles (usually pions of all
four types). or destroy them. Conservation of total Feynmann
time-reversals within VT0 phase transforms is considered highly
probable (and needs investigation).
- The effect of the synchotronic radiation emanating from a particle's
epicentre polarises its surrounding space in an outwardly spiralling
standing wave pattern where
is a defining characteristic of
the relationship between the epicentre and its own synchotronic
- The "imprinting" of that synchotronic radiation on the surrounding
space in effect "stores" the charge, lepton number and other aspects
of the particle, such that "decay" byproducts are overwhelmingly
influenced and must conform to those characteristics.
- Also the instability of a "decay" in combination with
the available potential energy helps overcome the vacuum barrier
long enough such that the intermediary particles may be brought
into temporary existence in the first place.
In essence then the Rishon Model falls naturally out of the consideration
that matter is comprised purely of massless synchotronic phase-locked
standing-wave photons, and that when the polarity is imaginary this gives rise
to "Vohu", and when the polarity is real this becomes "Tohu". No other
"particles" are needed, not even in "decay", because there is literally
and absolutely nothing else present in the universe other than photons,
with all that that implies. Ultimately, then, everything is pure energy,
but it is phase and polarity that gives rise to particle characteristics,
as well as the phenomenon known by the name "decay".