The question arises as to what were to happen if other Rishon particles were
placed into an I-shaped frame, applying the same rule that the ends of the
middle particle attract the middle of the end particles to create a stable
rotating whole. Placing the Laws governing Rishons and the I-Frame rules
into a small script
the possible patterns can easily generated, as
shown in Table 1:
udu (['TVT', 'VTV', 'TVT']) t: 1 v: 0
udv (['TVT', 'VTV', 'VVV']) t: 1/3 v: 2/3
uvv (['TVT', 'VVV', 'VVV']) t: 2/3 v: 1/3
udu (['TVT', 'VTV', 'TVT']) t: -1 v: 0
udv (['TVT', 'VTV', 'VVV']) t:-1/3 v:-2/3
uvv (['TVT', 'VVV', 'VVV']) t:-2/3 v:-1/3
dud (['VTV', 'TVT', 'VTV']) t: 0 v: -1
due (['VTV', 'TVT', 'TTT']) t:-2/3 v:-1/3
dee (['VTV', 'TTT', 'TTT']) t:-1/3 v:-2/3
dud (['VTV', 'TVT', 'VTV']) t: 0 v: 1
due (['VTV', 'TVT', 'TTT']) t: 2/3 v: 1/3
dee (['VTV', 'TTT', 'TTT']) t: 1/3 v: 2/3
eee (['TTT', 'TTT', 'TTT']) t: -1 v: 0
eee (['TTT', 'TTT', 'TTT']) t: 1 v: 0
vvv (['VVV', 'VVV', 'VVV']) t: 0 v: 1
vvv (['VVV', 'VVV', 'VVV']) t: 0 v: -1
Table 1: permutations of all legitimate I-Frame Rishon particles
Dividing these down into clearly-distinguishable groups, exactly half the
particles are of unit charge and exactly half are fractionally-charged.
Categorising further we note that "udu" and "dud" and their corresponding
anti-particles are the neutron and proton respectively. Two remaining
unit-charge particles (and their anti-particles) then stand out:
muon : eee (['TTT', 'TTT', 'TTT']) t: -1 v: 0
muon-neut'o : vvv (['VVV', 'VVV', 'VVV']) t: 0 v: 1
These particles have unit charges and are comprised of electron-positron
and neutrino-anti-neutrino triplets. The neutrino-anti-neutrino triplet
is surmised to be a flavour of neutrino (muon neutrino), and likewise
the electron-positron triplet a muon. Initial analysis had these hard
to pin down. A potential candidate came up when searching for "heavy
electron": a paper mentioning <a href="">Superconductivity and heavy electrons"</a>.
However a decay pattern was noted involving pions (see examples later)
where the electron-positron and neutrino-anti-neutrino triplets were the
clear candidates when considered at the Rishon level: further investigation
showed this to be the muon. (There was one other candidate found: the tau,
which is investigated later).
It is worth noting that if these heavy neutrinos existed, their fundamental
composition (being in effect made out of particle-anti-particle triplets)
would make neutrino oscillation very easy to occur. The exchange of only
one particle between a heavier neutrino and its anti-particle would, at
the Rishon level, automatically result in the transition). So if the
combination of two neutrinos and one anti-neutrino is considered to be
a heavy neutrino (muon neutrino) its composition consisting of
neutrinos starts to shed some light on why neutrino oscillation occurs.
This leaves the remaining four particles (with corresponding anti-particles)
to identify, which are grouped together with fractional charges. The
inference which leads to the derivation of these as strange, charm and
bottom will be explained below:
strange : dee (['VTV', 'TTT', 'TTT']) t:-1/3 v:-2/3
charm : due (['VTV', 'TVT', 'TTT']) t: 2/3 v: 1/3
bottom : udv (['TVT', 'VTV', 'VVV']) t:-1/3 v:-2/3
unidentified : uvv (['TVT', 'VVV', 'VVV']) t: 2/3 v: 1/3
Two particles here are noteworthy: strange and the unidentified quark, in that
they are merely down and up particles with matter-antimatter electrons and
neutrinos in the remaining I-frame places, resulting in additional mass,
perfect balance as well as overall charge conservation.