Possible stable anti-muon / muon rotation

With the possible exception of the interaction between the V and T matter in quarks producing some stabilising spin characteristic, there is no compelling reason why instead of neutrons and protons, that anti-muons and muons may not be held in the same stable patterns, i.e. be subject to the Nuclear Force to create nuclei. Without proper simulations or analysis it would be hard to say if this would result in a stabilising or destabilising effect on the muons. The proximity of a large number of electrons and protons, solely comprised of T matter, does however give some cause for concern!

The only caveat is that it would clearly be improbably or simply impossible for an anti-muon to take the place of a proton (or a muon-neutrino to take the place of a neutron), for a number of reasons:

Firstly, the difference in the orbit, size, energy and rotational speed when compared to either a neutron or a proton would badly mess up the careful balance of the attractive and repulsive forces: contrast this to the situation in which in the muon and anti-muon combination clearly have identical characteristics. In fact, looking at the above equation showing the sine-cosine relationship there may not be a stable point at all at which the muon (or anti-muon) would reach equilibrium with a proton (or neutron) before getting so close as to cause huge disruption to the structure of both particles, activating strong force (VT0 phase-changes) in the process.

Secondly: the +2/3 and -1/3 charges of the neutron and proton quarks, at such close range, would be in direct conflict with the +1 and -1 charges of the muon and anti-muon.

Thirdly: muons would already have had some considerable difficulty overcoming the barrier which typically places them in orbit around the nucleus.

Overall, then, whilst it seems reasonable to consider that muon-anti-muon combinations may exhibit nucleic structure and be subject to what is termed "Nuclear Force", it is flat-out impossible for combinations of muons or muon neutrinos to combine together to create nuclei via the "Nuclear Force". Yet to be determined is the stability (or otherwise) of larger muonic nuclei. (Note: the degenerate case of a muonic atom - muonic hydrogen - has already been observed).

Also it is worthwhile pointing out that due to the right-angular nature of the interaction between T and V matter, it is considered impossible for muon and muon neutrino to combine to form nuclei. An overall summation of the force interactions between muon and muon neutrino simply do not result in a stability point (aka "Nuclear Force") occurring.

lkcl 2016-12-29