If other Rishon particle combinations were placed into an I-shaped frame, applying the same rule that the ends of the middle particle attract the middle of the end particles to create a stable rotating whole, it turns out that there are 16 total possible patterns, shown in Table 1:
For brevity of this introduction the deduction of the above identification (muon, strange, charm etc.) has been left out. The python program used to generate these 16 patterns followed the rule of having the central Rishon of the two outer triplets be the opposite charge but the same type as the outer of the central triplet.
How we deduce the concept of the I-Frame is an inherent part of the
I-Frame and the fact that there are only sixteen possible combinations
for the rules as specified. Reality could well be that this is merely
a topological representation which happens to fit these rules. What we
can say however is that this topological representation allows us
intuitively to see that all sixteen particles must have spin
as the two end Rishon-groups are permitted to rotate about the centre.
lkcl 2017-01-03